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Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 1588 8283
Passcode: 8Zg2RF

School Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 18th at 6:00pm via zoom and in the school library. Agenda and link are below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 1588 8283
Passcode: 8Zg2RF





Per new legislation enacted by the Montana State Legislature (HB 890), beginning July 1, 2024 all school board meetings are required to be recorded with audio and video.  At this time Arrowhead School District #75 will continue to offer access to school board meetings via video conferencing, until public notice is provided otherwise.  Those opting to attend the meeting via video conferencing are asked to include their full name before being allowed into the meeting.


During Public Participation the following guidelines will be followed;

Recognition of visitors and explanation of procedures to be followed when addressing the Board.  Members of the community are given the opportunity to make brief comments, not to exceed three(3) minutes, on any matter not included on the agenda.  Public matters do not include any pending legal matters, private personnel issues or private student issues. Please do not attempt to address or comment on such issues at this time or you will be ruled out of order. Please note no action by the Board can be taken on items not on the agenda.


For Public Comment on Action Items the following guidelines will be followed;

Public comment on agenda items is allowed, with the following guidelines.  The period allotted for public comment on agenda items will come after a motion is made and seconded, and before a Board vote is taken.  To maintain order and proceed through the agenda efficiently, comments on agenda items will be allowed one at time with participants called upon by the Board.  Please note that public comments on agenda items are not to exceed one (1) minute.




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